The Family Captain - with John Michael Clark

In this episode, Jon and Les have a conversation with John Michael Clark, the founder of The Fa...

The 7 Pillars of Life for Pastors

“The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself.” – Warren Buffet

Billionaire Buffet...

Impacting the Mission Field through the Marketplace - with Karis Hortin

In this episode Jon and Les introduce you to an amazing young entrepreneur named Karis Hortin. ...

Don’t Fear Asking for the Sale

While most pastors have the ability to speak boldly from the stage and preach with conviction a...

Using Business to Magnify Missions - with Ryan Steuer

Ryan Steuer holds the distinguished honor of being a two-time returning guest to the EntrePasto...

From Corporate to Non-Profit Ministry - with Dan LaRock

At EntrePastors, many of the people we work with are working on adding some kind of entrepreneu...

A Pastor's Guide To Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Let’s not come to the end of our lives and realize we missed out on opportunities.

That’s what moti...

7 Investments Every Pastor Must Make

Recently, both Jon and Les finished reading the book, Buy Back Your Time by Dan Martell.  Towar...

What does the Bible say about bi-vocational pastors?

 Following God's calling into ministry doesn't mean you have to live a life of scarcity and meagerne...

The Pressure Washing Pastor - with Joshua Brown

 On this episode of the EntrePastors podcast, Jon talks with Joshua Brown, also known as “The P...

From Toxic Scarcity to Healthy Abundance - with Eric Reploeg

For anyone who might find themselves serving in a toxic ministry culture where scarcity is the ...

6 Steps To a Successful Business

Successful people take action.

Pastor Tony Evans shared that when he would go home to visit his fat...

What if Revival is Coming Through the Marketplace?

Lately we have been hearing a lot about “revival” from various places around the country and glob...

Setting Up Your Business Finances to Make Tax Season Easier - with Christine Odle

For many small business owners, getting a firm grasp on their business finances can pose some s...

Pastor, It’s Time to Launch Your Business!

EntrePastors exists to help pastors and other ministry-minded people achieve financial freedom ...

Redefining Success in Ministry and Business - with Tim Winders

In this episode Jon & Les are joined by Tim Winders for a powerful conversation about the need ...

What's holding you back from becoming an entrepreneurial pastor (entrepastor)?

Many masters of success through the years recognized that success or failure begins in our minds.


Understanding the EntrePastor Message

In this episode you will hear Jon & Les share a conversation they had recently with the audienc...

Balancing Contentment and Ambition in Ministry and Business - with Scott Cramer

How do you balance having a strong drive or ambition to grow and succeed on one hand, with the ...

How to Live a Rich Life

 What does it take to live a rich life?  When people hear the word “rich,” they often immediate...

Taking Resources Back for God's Kingdom - with Dustin Alley

In this episode Jon and Les have a conversation with Dustin Alley, a pastor and the founder of ...

Turn Your Wound into Your Superpower

In this episode Jon and Les have a conversation about a powerful insight Jon had recently.  As...

How to Create the Best Year Ever

It has been said, “Everyone ends up somewhere; some people end up there ON PURPOSE!” (Andy Stan...

How this Missionary Family Established Additional Income Streams - with Shawn Paul

In this episode Jon and Les hear how one missionary family established additional streams of re...

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