Why Pastors Should Consider Writing a Book (with David Hancock)

On this episode of the EntrePastors Podcast Jon and Les interview David Hancock.  David is the ...

The Loneliness of the EntrePastor Journey (with Teresa McCloy)

We all know pastoring can feel lonely at times.  But when you make a decision to embrace an ent...

Pastor, You Have the Freedom to Create a Successful Life for Yourself (with Nathan Barber)

What happens when you’ve planted a church, but the money you raised begins to run out before th...

Pivoting from Pastoral to Marketplace Ministry with Brian and Victoria Mininger

While many people may consider “quitting” the pastorate as an exit out of ministry, our guests ...

EntrePastors Success Story with Ryan Hayden

In this episode Jon and Les interview Pastor Ryan Hayden.  Ryan is experiencing amazing success...

Improve Your Money Mindset with Jaysen Brown

In this episode of EntrePastors, Jon has a powerful conversation with Pastor Jaysen Brown.  In ...

EntrePastors Success Story with Drew Grubbs

In this episode we hear the story of one of our very own EntrePastors, Drew Grubbs. Drew ha...

Is It OK to Want to Be an EntrePastor? (A Coaching Conversation)

In this episode Jon and Les engage in a coaching conversation with Ben Watt.  Ben has serve...

I Started a Business and Sent My Kid to College (with Mike Harper)

 In this episode we will unpack the story of how Mike Harper was faced with the daunting ta...

Moving from a Corporate to an Entrepreneurial Mindset in Ministry with Greg Gray

In this episode Jon has a conversation with Greg Gray about the important mindset shift pas...

From the Pulpit to Presenting to Corporations with Scott Hobbs

In this episode Jon and Les talk with Scott Hobbs about his transition out of traditional pasto...

Common Roadblocks for EntrePastors

In this episode Jon and Les talk about several common obstacles that stand in the way of pa...

Paid to Speak (with Kent Julian)

In this week's episode, we interviewed Kent Julian who shared all about the success of his own ...

Marketing Your Message (with Ray Edwards)

Ray Edwards is not only a good friend, but he's my business coach, my platform coach, and one a...

Alignment With Your Divine Assignment (with Jevonnah Ellison)


 In this episode, Jon and Les  interview Jevonnah “Lady J” Ellison about her journey of ...

How to Build a Successful E-commerce Business with Ryan Reger

In this episode, Jon and Les interview  entrepreneur and E-commerce pro Ryan Reger on the benef...

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