$49.00 USD

Every month

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EntrePastors Night School

A self-paced launch and business building program that will walk you step-by-step from idea to business launch, including:

• 14 online modules that you can go through in your own time.

• Monthly Q&A calls where you can ask questions, share ideas and learn from other pastors who are building their businesses too. EntrePastors Night School Calls are the second Monday of each month at 7 PM CT.

• Access to a Members Only Facebook Group of other Pastors who are on the same journey with you — a great place to find resources and inspiration.

• BONUS: Monthly EntrePastors Starter Calls, focused on key topics along your EntrePastors Journey. These are not required for Night School, but a great bonus if you are able to make them. EntrePastors Starter Calls are the fourth Wednesday of each month at 1 PM CT.

• Email access to Jon and Les for questions and support.