A Two-Day Business Building Event
for Pastors and the Ministry Minded
in Birmingham, AL area
March 7-8, 2024
A unique opportunity for one-on-one coaching, small group coaching and networking and "hot seat" style coaching with EntrePastors Founders Jon Sanders and Les Hughes.
You will walk away from this bootcamp with a specific business plan and connections to key relationships to move you forward.
Who said pastoring had to be synonymous with constant financial struggle? What if there was a more profitable approach to ministry?
During this time away, you'll be challenged to dream beyond the traditional model of church ministry and explore what's possible when pastors begin to think and act like entrepreneurs.
* Explore the intersection of ministry and marketplace
* Create new streams of revenue
* Explore new models of ministry and business
* Leverage your message to serve people beyond the four walls of the church
* Start your own business
* Prepare for a new season of ministry

Once I embraced the truth that God wants us to steward everything for His glory, I started seeing Him use my skills and gifts in more ways besides pastoral ministry. The bonus there is that I also started seeing additional streams of income that only further my work for the Lord. – Pastor Les Hughes

With over 20 years in pastoral ministry, Jon Sanders has a passion for using his voice to motivate and inspire leaders in ministry and business through his professional coaching, speaking, and podcasting platforms.
Jon is the co-host of the EntrePastors Podcast that serves pastors by helping them think, act, and thrive as prosperous entrepreneurs.
In addition to his passion for church leaders, Jon also works as a full-time firefighter/EMT for Sioux Falls Fire Rescue in Sioux Falls, SD.

Les Hughes is a pastor, teacher, author, leadership coach to pastors and executives and host of the Pastors' Leadership Podcast, the Kingdom Boardroom Podcast and co-host with his wife, Page, for In the Meanwhile podcast. Les has served in pastoral ministry for twenty-nine years, with a four year stretch at Mississippi College as Chair of the Christian Studies and Philosophy Department.
Les currently serves as senior pastor at First Baptist Church Pleasant Grove in Birmingham, Alabama.

Break Through Limiting Beliefs
Limiting beliefs withhold truth you need to steward the resources God has given you to their maximum potential. It's time to break through.

Explore What It Looks Like to Be Both a Pastor and an Entrepreneur
Yes, you can be both! Having an entrepreneurial mindset is biblical and can open more doors of ministry and spiritual growth than you might imagine.

Walk Away Knowing Exactly What Your Next Steps Are to Increase Your Income While Maintaining a Biblical Mindset
Additional sources of income exist but not everyone knows what they are and how to start. You'll walk away from EntrePastors Business Bootcamp armed with the knowledge you need to increase your income the wisest way.