New Life in Christ Through the Marketplace with Tyson Priest
In this episode of the EntrePastors Podcast we share the story of our friend Tyson Priest who has been on an incredible journey over the past few years. Tyson planted and led a church in rural Indiana for a season, until it became apparent that the time had come to close the doors of the church. While on one hand this certainly represents the death of a dream and the disappointment that so many pastors can identify with when the thing we are asking and believing God for does not happen the way we hoped it would, Tyson shares an amazing story of how God is writing a new story of arguably even more fruitfulness for the kingdom that is happening in the marketplace. Through some truly supernatural opportunities in recent months, Tyson has led many people to Christ, helped them take a step of obedience through the waters of baptism, and is now discipling these new believers in an online forum. His story stands as an awesome reminder that just because you may no longer be in vocational ministry, your work and calling to pastor others is just as relevant, and arguably even more effective, through marketplace activities.
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