Leveraging Social Media for Influence and Impact with Melissa Hughes
Many pastors would say they have a “love-hate” relationship with social media. While they certainly see social media as a gathering place for people in our culture and an opportunity to connect with others, they also recognize many of the negative aspects that social media can pose as well. In this episode, Jon and Les talk with a true social media influencer by the name of Melissa Hughes. Melissa and her husband served for a few years as struggling church planters in the UK before returning home to the United States feeling like ministry had been a failure in large part. As Melissa was seeking God’s direction for the next season of her life and ministry, she felt a strong calling to begin creating content on social media. At first Melissa felt a lot of resistance to the idea, but eventually she pushed through the discomfort and quickly found a growing audience following her more and more on various social media platforms. Melissa has not only learned the power of leveraging social media as a tool for growing her own business, but she also recognizes the work she is doing for the ministry that it is. Through this conversation you will be encouraged to think about ways you can utilize the amazing tools of social media for influence and impact through your business and ministry as well.
Guest Info/Links:
- Website: https://melissaleahughes.com/
Call to Action:
- Sign up for our EntrePastors LIVE event on March 8, 2024.
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