How to Free Up Your Time for Marketplace Ministry


A common problem many pastors struggle to overcome as they think about launching a business of their own is the fact they are already overworked with little to no margin in their lives.  How in the world will they ever find the time to start and operate a business while still pastoring?  The simple answer is through delegation.  

A pastor must reach the place where they decide they are no longer going to operate in a traditional, often expected, yet unbiblical model that requires them to DO the majority of the work of the ministry.  The key is for that pastor to learn how to lean into the gifts God has already placed within the body to carry out the various functions of the church. 

This frees a pastor up to focus on the few things they do best and have been called by God to do, while at the same time provides margin in their lives for other things…including launching and running a business in the marketplace.  In this episode, Jon and Les offer some practical steps for pastors to take to achieve this result.

Ready to take action?

Purchase A Pastors Guide to Delegation in our Pastors Business Alliance.

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