Helping Pastors Preach Better Online Sermons (with David Murrow)
In this episode Jon and Les talk with David Murrow about his new course that is helping pastors preach better online sermons.
David has spent his career working as a successful television producer, director, and storyteller. He has a passion for helping pastors do a better job of connecting with their audiences both in person and online.
David is a great example of someone in our community who is executing the information based pathway of entrepreneurialism as he takes his message and passion and has created a product and service around it. Some of the other topics we discuss in this interview are:
- Pastors can no longer lean on the “attention monopoly” we have had for so long. Instead, we must recognize that we are now living in the “attention economy.”
- Pastors need to focus on delivering sermons that are watchable, memorable, and sharable in this new attention economy.
- We will learn how David came up with the idea to create a course and coaching cohort around the need for helping pastors preach better sermons online.
- David shares his advice for any pastor who is just getting started down the information based pathway.
In the backstage portion of this episode David shares his thoughts on the coming “preaching-pocalypse”. To be more specific, David asserts that the future of preaching will look very different than it does today, and any pastor who refuses to make appropriate adjustments will be left behind.
David's Website: DavidMurrow.com
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