A Better Funding Model for Missions (with Katie Hornor)


In this episode Jon and Les talk with Katie Hornor, the founder and CEO of Handprint Legacy.  Katie and her family have served as missionaries in Mexico for many years.  

They started their missionary journey under a traditional funding model that had them traveling, raising financial support from outside donors, and ultimately being dependent upon those donations for ongoing support. 

 However, along the way they found a better, and much more profitable model for funding the work they feel God has called them to in the world.  

Katie runs a successful business that not only far exceeds the traditional missions-funding model, but she is also experiencing so much opportunity for impact and ministry in the marketplace.   Some of the topics we discuss in this interview are:

  • The traditional model for funding missions has proven to be ineffective.

  • Begging is not a strategy God promotes.

  • When we’re going through a difficult season, rather than asking God “Why,” we should ask Him “What.”  What does God want me to learn through this season?

  • It’s important to recognize God’s ownership over our businesses and ministry.  This will set us free from the fear of man.

In the backstage portion of this episode Katie shares the Four Pillars of Flamingo Marketing.  This content is especially helpful for anyone who is building an online course or coaching program.


Learn how to join us Backstage.

Katie's website: HandPrintLegacy.com

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